Conversions Issue Detector - FREE Google Ads Script
Conversions Issue Detector © Purpose: This script runs at the MCC level and monitors Google Ads accounts labeled as "Conversions Issue Detector" Conversions data. It alerts when an account's Conversions deviate significantly from historical patterns. An alert email is triggered for a decrease in Conversions of 80% or more compared to the historic average. Unlike other similar scripts,the Conversions Issue Detector reports exclusively on Conversions data. It also ensures only one alert is sent per day, minimizing noise and false triggers. Behavior: The script first filters the accounts, and for each account that has been labeled as "Conversions Issue Detector" it compares "yesterday's" full-day stats to the same day of the week over the past few weeks. Default is set to the last 4 occurrences. For example, if the script runs on a Wednesday, it assesses Tuesday's Conversions against the average Conversions from the previous four Tuesdays. Scheduling: The script is designed to run once a day to provide more meaningful alerts and reduce the frequency of notifications. Config variables: 'sheetUrl' points to the Google Sheet where the data is written. Add a blank sheet. 'emailAddress' is the recipient of alert emails. 'percentageThreshold' sets the threshold for triggering an alert (expressed as a negative percentage). 'historicDays' defines how many past days to consider for historic average calculation.
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